The Resilient Activist: Support as we navigate climate change.
Our Vision
Through our efforts, current and future generations will live in a healthy, diverse, and regenerative environment.
Our Mission
We cultivate resilience to environmental stress by supporting community, personal well-being, and vital ecological health.
Our Belief
The world needs inspired and visionary activists who have the resilience to see us through these unprecedented times. The Resilient Activist believes environmentalists can protect and nourish the earth only when they are nourished themselves.
In these times, global instability, disconnection from nature, and climate change are enough to make overwhelm and numbness the norm.
Even when people find the space to engage in advocacy, its emotional urgency can lead to burnout and disempowerment.
By teaching people how to self-tend, set boundaries, prioritize joy, and find a style of activism that is invigorating to them, we are transforming the environmental movement from the inside out.
What We Do
We offer uplifting and nurturing community-building activities, articles, stories, and programs to reduce the immense overwhelm and burnout many experience in these unprecedented times.
For our presentations, workshops, and community gatherings, view our list of Services.
Important Issues
The emotional toll that climate change is having on our society has caught the attention of those who work in the mental health field.
In 2010, the American Psychological Association released a 230-page report titled, “Interface Between Psychology and Global Climate Change.” In March 2017, they published another document, “Mental Health and Our Changing Climate: Impacts, Implications, and Guidance.”
This paper included new diagnostic codes for mental health concerns related to climate change and environmental grief. Terms like ecoanxiety, pre-traumatic stress, and solastalgia (pining for a lost environment) are devastating emotional conditions that affect those who are passionate about a healthy, sustainable planet and who are deeply concerned about the negative impacts of human activities on our ecosystems and non-human beings we love.
We are a diverse group of nature-loving souls aiming to live in a way that nurtures our own well-being in alignment with the well-being of our planet and to uplift others who are working towards these same goals.
We are guided by principles of kindness, compassion, communication, diversity, deep understanding, transparency, and ongoing education about the grief and angst that activists experience over the pressing issues surrounding Earth’s environmental and social justice needs.
Charitable Status
The Resilient Activist is a public charity recognized as tax-exempt by the IRS under Section 501(c)(3). We rely on donations, grants, and endowments to provide our content and programs.
By our Articles of Incorporation, this organization will not attempt to influence legislation or participate in or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.
Form 990EZ – 2019 2019 Schedule A 2019 Schedule O
Form 990EZ – 2020 2020 Schedule A 2020 Schedule O
Form 990EZ – 2021 2021 Schedule A 2021 Schedule B 2021 Schedule O
Form 990EZ – 2022 (includes Schedule A and O)
Form 990EZ – 2023 (includes Schedule A and O)