Read more about the article What is an activist, anyway?
The Resilient Activist tables at several events throughout KC. Here we were at the Go Green! Fair in September 2023. Photo credit: Briana

What is an activist, anyway?

The Resilient Activist tables at several events throughout KC. Here we were at the Go Green! Fair in September 2023. Photo credit: Briana "I don't think I'm an activist..." As…

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Read more about the article What is resilience?
Rejuvenating time spent in nature is now at the top of my priority list. Here I am in the Ozark-St. Francis National Forest, Arkansas. Photo credit: Briana

What is resilience?

The topic of resilience has been bouncing around popular media lately, perhaps without a lot of understanding about the word’s meaning or the process of acquiring it. The word even…

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