The Resilient Activist is excited to welcome corporate sponsors and nonprofit partners to join us on our mission to cultivate resilience to environmental stress by supporting community, personal well-being, and vital ecological health. Together we can care for ourselves, our Earth, and our communities.
Corporate & Small Business Sponsorships
Rates shown are for one year.
Mighty Networks Listing
Listing on our online community platform under the “Partners and Sponsors” topic
Listing on our website under the “Partners and Sponsors” page
Resilience for Activists Listing
All benefits shown above, plus
Listing on our Resilience for Activists events
Thank you and listing in monthly e-newsletter
Speakers Bureau Listing
All benefits shown above, plus
Listing on our Speakers Bureau events and presentation slides
Major Sponsor
All benefits shown above, plus
Prominent listing on our website home page with special gratitude wording
Logo display on the footer of every page on our website
Thank you and listing in monthly e-newsletter under special “Major Sponsor” heading