They say laughter is the best medicine. It might also be the easiest way to discuss Climate Change with friends and family. Bring your funny bone and join me from 6-7 PM on Weds, July 10th, at the Keystone Innovation District. Admission is free. Together, we’ll explore how a sense of humor can diffuse tension, ease anxiety and open up dialogue on tough topics and essential behavior change!
Members of Kansas City’s very own comedy improv crew, Explosive Chat Group, will take the stage and your suggestions on climate-related topics. With those in hand, they’ll let it rip with a 30-minute improv set. Afterwards, they’ll hang around to answer questions and offer advice on how to add levity and lightness to even the heaviest topics.
This is part of the Opportunity Abounds! series presented at Keystone Sessions by Ingenuity. On the second Wednesday of each month, we look at the biggest social and environmental challenges facing the KC region and highlight opportunities for local innovators, entrepreneurs, and even comedians to help solve them.