The Resilient Activist JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion) Book Club
Are you interested in learning more about justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) in America with a group of like-minded and open-hearted people?
Do you enjoy reading and discussing books that expand your understanding of yourself and the world?
If these questions touch a chord, then The Resilient Activist JEDI Book Club is for you!
For our October JEDI Book Club, we will be reading: The Girl Who Smiled Beads: A Story of War and What Comes After
by Clemantine Wamariya and Elizabeth Weil
Here is the review from Goodreads:
A riveting story of dislocation, survival, and the power of the imagination to save us.
Clemantine Wamariya was six years old when her mother and father began to speak in whispers, when neighbors began to disappear, and when she heard the loud, ugly sounds her brother said were “thunder.” It was 1994, and in 100 days more than 800,000 people would be murdered in Rwanda and millions more displaced. Clemantine and her fifteen-year-old sister, Claire, ran and spent the next six years wandering through seven African countries searching for safety–hiding under beds, foraging for food, surviving and fleeing refugee camps, finding unexpected kindness, witnessing unimaginable cruelty. They did not know whether their parents were alive.
Register at this link.
Please feel welcome to attend, even if you missed earlier meetings. This is an open group, and we understand that our lives are busy and not everyone will be able to attend each month!
The JEDI Book Club is facilitated by Resilient Activists Brenda Bennett-Pike and Anne Melia. We hope you will join us!