Your donation helps provide vital support for those who are concerned about our future as we navigate Climate Change!

Your donation to The Resilient Activist has never been more important. The world needs inspired and visionary activists who have the resilience to see us through these unprecedented times.

Your donation helps to provide:

  • Five Essentials for a Resilient World educational activities for living in mindful relationship with Earth
  • Nature Stories Around the World – picture-book videos for kids of all ages
  • Resilience-Building Events for activists and those concerned about the climate crisis, including our monthly Climate Cafés and Justice/Equity/Diversity/Inclusion Book Club
  • Research Studies on the intersection between Climate Change and Mental Health
  • Speakers Bureau to provide awareness and inspiration about the climate crisis to organizations and businesses

Every gift, big or small, is appreciated. Donate today as part of #GivingTuesday and join the global movement to show kindness and support for environmental nonprofits.